<aside> ⚠️ StellarAuth is currently in Alpha and utilizing the Stellar Testnet. Code will change frequently. If you have questions, comments or ideas please pass them on!
StellarAuth is a developer API and user application service for easily and securely assigning Stellar accounts to your users from within your app. Kind of like Authy (2FA) for Stellar, but also a lot like a combination of Sign In with Apple and Apple Card. Essentially it’s a secure way to give your users a Stellar account which you can send requests to and they can accept or decline in an intuitive interface. You won’t store secrets, we don’t have access to secrets and the user won’t have to deal with anything they're not already familiar with.
homePage: https://stellarauth.com
baseUrl: https://api-testnet.stellarauth.com/*
dataFaker: https://stellarauth-faker.glitch.me
Generates a demo app key which once scanned will automatically verify and send ~5 example transactions arriving over the course of five minutes
webApp: https://demo.stellarauth.com
mac: https://tyvdh.keybase.pub/StellarAuth.pkg
windows: https://tyvdh.keybase.pub/StellarAuth.exe
mobileApps: ⚠️ Likely to be out of date while in alpha ⚠️
ios: https://testflight.apple.com/join/Slcgw56c
android: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.stellarauth
const { Keypair } = require('stellar-sdk')
const keypair = Keypair.random()
const token = keypair.secret()
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer SAJAFFRTL2TCNXTYCH37U2ZAV6TECBANYVPR5EBW3ZMHLFDFO7WEY7R5' -d '{"name": "Demo App", "image": "<https://colorglyph.io/api/random.png?q='$>(date +%s)'", "link": "<https://colorglyph.io>"}' <https://api-testnet.stellarauth.com/key/create>
{ # Success
"passkey": "9fb1ab9f5473595ee6225d98cb25300b868b436eec4e42238f01e6c651033280",
curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer SAJAFFRTL2TCNXTYCH37U2ZAV6TECBANYVPR5EBW3ZMHLFDFO7WEY7R5' -d '{"name": "Demo App [UPDATED]", "key": "GCIZPCJUKOSHIU5EQFSLRLCT7ZWPDIYN5LZPT4OOUFRYBVAUDUX7I4TF"}' <https://api-testnet.stellarauth.com/key/update>
{ # Success
"status": 200